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Tuesday, 21 December 2010
First few sessions after the Xmas break
Tuesday 11th January 2011 - practise analysis of an oral presentation (in groups)
Thursday 13th January 2011 - finish off above and listen to Dave's presentation
Tuesday 18th January 2011 - assessment on presentation analysis (Oral Presentation Skills)
Thursday 20th January 2011 - finish off assessment / remediation as necessary
Tuesday 25th January 2011 - listen to radio programme on Language and answer questions (in groups)
Thursday 27th January 2011 - finish off questions / discussion as necessary - hand in essay (Evan's class)
Tuesday 1st February 2011 - assessment on listening (Comm 4 Listening outcome)
Many thanks, Mark
Presentation delivery, the final session!
Take it easy guys, Mr H.
Friday, 17 December 2010
Presentations, phase III
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Assessed presentations, round two
It was nice to see Alma, Sean and Luigi enjoying their presentations back on their memory sticks. Remember, this filming is optional and is personal to you, so there will be no You Tube videos, Facebook entries etc coming from me, but what you do with these works of art is entirely up to you!
So, we have three more talks to come on Thursday and that will be Christian, Gary and Aaron. All other students will now present on the last day of term, which is Tuesday 21st December. Hopefully Christie will deliver his presentation on Thursday as he missed out today.
Great stuff again, and I will see you all on Thursday, for the third set of oral presentations.
Stand free, Mark
Monday, 13 December 2010
Presentation delivery times reminder
Tuesday 14th December in 211 - Christie, Gavin, Dave, Leigham, Luigi, Alma, Sean and Lorena
Thursday 16th December in 425 - Aaron, Christian, Vesela, Gary
Tuesday 21st December in 211 - Ania and Ellen (and anybody else who either didn't pass or didn't attempt their talk in previous timeslots).
Please remember to either bring a USB with you on the day or e mail me your talk prior to delivery so that I can save it for you.
When we come back in 2011 (already, wow, where has the time gone I ask myself) we will look at another assessment for Comm 4, which will be listening. This will be a case of listening to a recording of a radio show on language and answering questions, similar to those asked for the reading assessment. That's all for next year, just keeping you all in the loop!
See you all tomorrow, Mark
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Well done to our first three contenders!
If anybody wishes to post any feedback on the talks (presenters or audience members), please do!
Have a great weekend all, Mark
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
How to do talks start on Thursday
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
It's snow joke
What happened when the snowgirl fell out with the snowboy?
She gave him the cold shoulder!
What do snowmen wear on their heads?
Ice caps!
What's an ig?
An eskimo's home without a toilet!
What do snowmen eat for lunch?
Where do snowmen go to dance?
How do snowmen travel around ?
By icicle!
What sort of ball doesn't bounce ?
A snowball!
How do you know when there is a snowman in your bed ?
You wake up wet!
What do you get if cross a snowman and a shark ?
Frost bite!
How do you call an Eskimo cow ?
An Eskimoo!
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Presentation choices

- How to make porridge (or porage, depending on how you'd like to spell that)!
- How to juggle
- How to make money quickly
- How bubble gum is made
- How to make the perfect lasagne
- How to live in the Arctic
- How to create a new religion
- How to be awesome
- How to make the perfect Big Mac (aka deconstructing and constructing the BM)!
- How a compass works
- How to perform a magic trick
- How to tune a guitar
One thing is for sure - the presentations will be very interesting, entertaining and informative!
All the best, Mark
Thursday, 18 November 2010
How to do the 'how to do'

I really enjoyed the briefing session today. We looked at lots of interesting ideas from my previous and present classes and we must have over a hundred ideas to 'juggle' with, ranging from performing origami to making lasagne, changing a tyre to getting your five a day, doing a wheelie (safely) to making the perfect espresso and being awesome to formatting a computer, amongst other ideas! I have popped the weblinks that we looked at on the blog for you and we have three Tuesday sessions with the PCs to research, write up the plan (typed or handwritten) and formulate the PP slides. I will type up the times for the presentation delivery too and give you them on Tuesday so you have a written record.
Have a great weekend and I'll see you all on Tuesday.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Feedback on the talks

Overview of the unassessed talks

Well done to the thirteen students who delivered their unassessed talks last Thursday and today. They were fantastic and I hope you all learned something about your own delivery and the techniques of others. The subject matter was varied, from Jackson Pollock to Walt Disney and John McVicar to Bob Marley. And lets not forget the icons that are Sir Sean and erm, Godzilla! The talks were all researched well and I feel we all got a lot out of each talk. So a quick overview of the good and things to improve on then...
Room for improvement - time, completing the talk (something like 'thank you very much for listening, are there any questions'), taking the audience through the structure slide, not standing in front of the screen and having PowerPoint handouts.
The great - natural ability, being yourselves, time and effort put into the preparation of the talks, the variety of content, the use of visuals, the depth of knowledge, working with each other, involving the audience, being in control of the talks, upbeat delivery and many more facets besides.
I am in no doubt that the first assessed presentation on 'how to do something' will be interesting and straightforward for you all. Those who did not present for various reasons will now not get a chance to deliver a practice talk as I have a schedule I wish to follow to get us through assessments before Christmas.
I am very happy with the performances of the class, so a blooming big slap on the back all round guys!
PS - I am still awaiting a few Yearbook entries, so please do your best to get this done by Thursday if you can. Much appreciated.
All the best, Mark
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Well done

Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Looking good!

Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Schedule until Xmas

- Thurs 11th and Tues 16th Nov - delivery of unassessed presentations (as per agreed times detailed on previous post).
- Thurs 18th Nov - I will take you through the 'how to do' presentation assessment.
- Tues 23rd Nov - work on 'how to do' presentation.
- Thurs 25th Nov - look at essay writing.
- Tues 30th Nov - work on 'how to do' presentation.
- Thurs 2nd Dec - referencing.
- Tues 7th Dec - work on 'how to do' presentation.
- Thurs 9th, Tues 14th, Thurs 16th and Tues 21st Dec - assessed presentation on 'how to do'.
We will pick the dates for when you want to deliver your assessed talks after we have completed the unassessed talks. We will be mindful that some students may be travelling home near the end of term.
I have also contacted Evan to see how you are getting on with the History syllabus as we can double up an essay from his class which will help bring the workload down somewhat!
As a reminder, there are 13 assessments for Comm 4 and Oral Presentation Skills:
Comm 4
- 2 x writing (probably two essays, one of which will be integrated with Evan)
- 2 x listening exercises (we will look at a radio and a TV programme in the Ne'er).
- 2 x speaking - one presentation on an 'issue' lasting 8-10 minutes and discussions on agreed topics. We will split into groups for that and decide on what you'd like to discuss.
- 2 x reading assessments. You have all done the first one, the magazine article on Digital Books and we will do another from a newspaper sometime in the New Year.
Oral Presentation Skills
- 1 x 'how to do' presentation (done in December)
- 1 x presentation plan (on the 'how to do' talk)
- 1 x presentation on an 'issue'. You will be assessed for OPS at the same time as the Comm 4 talk to avoid over assessment.
- 2 x presentation analyses. Different to the Comm 4 listening exercise but looks specifically at how the presenter delivers their talk. One will be a presentation delivery from a film and one will be a presentation delivery from a formal presentation on an interesting topic.
I know it sounds a lot, but I had it in my mind that we would get three assessments done by Christmas and I am certain we can do that. It's all good, so lets keep going until Christmas guys!
Na zdrowie. (I hope that is accurate, please correct me if I am wrong!)
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Unassessed presentation times

Thursday 11th November in 425 at 11.15 - Ania, Ellen, Gary, Christie, Christian and Jon
Tuesday 16th November in 211 at 9.00 - Alma, Luigi, Vesela, Michal, Dave, Gavin, Sean, Hanni, Aaron, Lorena and Leigham.
NB - we are in the Learning Centre (on the second floor) on Thursday. I have only been able to secure six computers but am hopeful that we will be able to get a few more. In the case of us being unsuccessful, some of you can go to the library and I will flit between the two rooms. Now, where are those rollerskates of mine...
Thursday, 28 October 2010
'Haitch' or 'aitch'? How do you pronounce 'H'?

Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Randy Pausch
And this is a link to a website about him, complete with memorable quotes:
Oral presentation skills

- The subject
- Being able to use PowerPoint effectively (and simply)
- Having a plan
- Using notes (but too many, and definitely NOT a whole script)
- Being prepared for the question and answer session
- Using language appropriate to the content of the talk
- How you dress
- Displaying and using statistics (where necessary) to enhance the information presented
- Positive attitude
- Honesty, being up front
- Audience participation, integration, interaction
- Fun for the audience (where possible)
- Voice variation
- Articulation
- Hand outs for the audience
- Humour (if appropriate)
Well done all, Mark
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Big Apple memories
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Happy holidays!

Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Feedback please

- icebreakers
- defining communication
- analysis of a short film
- evaluated a variety of local news articles
- discussed plagiarism
- an introduction to lots of interesting websites from Alma
- analysed writing styles
- worked in small groups
- handed in some reflective writing
- been given feedback
- you have commented on your thoughts on the first (reading) assignment
- visited the Scottish Poetry Library
- about to further develop our reflective writing by putting together our class yearbook
- completed (by and large) our first assessment (of 13!) on the 'Digital books are a threat to writers' article to name but a few!
After the well deserved October break I will be looking at oral presentation delivery.
I am keen to know what you are enjoying, what you are not, what you would like to see more of and how you think you are doing, that sort of thing. Please be honest and don't be afraid to be critical (as well as gushing in your positivity) for the feedback! I am really enjoying working with you, and hopefully my enthusiasm is coming through in my teaching!
Thanks, Mark
Monday, 11 October 2010
Access to Languages Yearbook

Yearbook questions – Access to Languages
Please e mail me your answers and supply a favourite photo, or photos of you to
Please use the template below – if there are any questions you’d rather not answer, just leave them out. I will be doing one too!
About me
Favourite singer(s):
Favourite band(s):
Favourite film(s):
Favourite television show(s):
Who I am
· This is a story about me, John Doe.
· Where you are from.
· Where you were born.
· Any interesting stories about your name, or what it means, i.e. Smith was a name given to blacksmiths in the Middle Ages, so therefore anyone with the name Smith would have likely had a blacksmith as an ancestor. The name John comes from the bible and some people say it means ‘gift from God’. There are quite a few places on the Net where you can find information about names!
· Describe your physical characteristics i.e. height, appearance, hair/eye colour.
· What do other people say about how you look?
· Describe your personality.
· What do other people say about your personality?
· Note down some information about your personal interests – do you play any sports? Do you have any hobbies?
· Favourite website(s)?
· Why did you come onto the course you are currently enrolled on?
What matters to me?
· What are your earliest memories?
· Who or what makes you laugh?
· What object would you save in a fire?
· Which song is the soundtrack to your life?
· If you could meet any famous person who would it be, and why?
· What is your perfect Sunday?
· Who would attend your fantasy dinner party & what would you eat?
· Who did you text last and what was the message?
· If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
If there is anything else you would like to add in about yourself, pop it in here. It could be some poetry that you have written, your philosophies on life, anything you like really!
I want you to have fun with this task. It will be a nice keepsake for you and to reflect upon in later life…maybe!
Reading assessment

Thursday, 30 September 2010
Remember, remember, the 5th of October...!

Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Reading analysis

Monday, 27 September 2010
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Alma's session

Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Off to a Flyer...

Friday, 17 September 2010
Next few weeks schedule
- 21st Sep - analysis of 'The Flyer'
- 23rd Sep - research skills (Alma from the library)
- 28th and 30th September - unassessed reading exercise (using reading helpnotes)
NB - 5th and 7th October - FIRST READING ASSESSMENT.
- 12th and 14th October - finishing off reading assessment / remediation as necessary.
Have a great Monday off and a lovely weekend and I will see you all, at 9am on Tuesday 21st.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Vodafone link
This is the link to the advert linked to communicating with Vodafone, quite apt really!
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Reading analysis

Summary Tips
•Summarise by sections/paragraphs
•Scan section/paragraph to find out main information/point – look out for key words/sentences
•Summarise statistical information or figures
•Use your own words
•Use a highlighter to help identify points
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Thursday 9th September class - types of comm

Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Wed 7th Sep - introductory session

I really enjoyed the session this morning and I was impressed with your ability to communicate clearly and effectively using the short reflective questions I set you. We had some cracking definitions too and here is a selection of what the three groups came up with.
Gavin's group - getting thoughts, feelings or pieces of information from one person (or group) to another. This can be achieved through different means.
Ellen's group - passing on information to others. Sharing, passing on, understanding information in many different ways, e.g. gestures, body language, signs etc.
Gary's group - the translating and swapping of thinking, language, ideas. Delivering or exchanging of information breaking down cultural barriers, common purposes etc. Interacting with others.
As can be seen, there seemed to be a consensus that communication involved a process where some form of information or meaning is passed between two or more entities.
These general thoughts about communication focused our attention on the communication processes that we will be encountering on the course. I highlighted that at times students will be the producers/senders of information and meaning through writing and presentations. At other times students will be receivers of information and meaning in their encounters as readers and viewers. Of course, generally we will be both producing and receiving information in a single activity (eg. discussions).
Superb stuff and we will continue on Thursday with TYPES of communication...
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Rough schedule of work!
Communication 4 and Oral Presentation Skills classes – weekly plan
What follows is a schedule of what I plan to do with you for the next few classes. It could change of course!
7th September – Overview of the Unit(s), introduction to the class blog, mini verbal icebreaker, what is Communication? (part one)
9th September – What is Communication? (part two)
14th September (my birthday!) – Looking at various newspaper articles / analysis within small groups
16th September – Short writing exercises.
21st September – ‘The Flyer’ – watching a short film and answering questions on it (Listening)
23rd September – ‘Students learn the ABC of essay writing’ article discussion. (Reading).
28th and 30th September – ‘The World’s Language’ reading article – discussion and questions. Using reading helpnotes. (Reading).
5th and 7th October – first assessment, reading – ‘Throw in the vowel’.
12th and 14th October – remediation / completion of reading assessment as necessary.
19th and 21st October – HOLIDAYS
26th and 28th October – effective and ineffective oral presentation delivery. (Speaking).
At this stage, we will see how we are doing and plan our next stage of teaching and learning., Room 121.1
Scottish Poetry Library visit
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Introduction to your studies with me