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Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Assessed presentations, round two

Well done to all four presenters this morning in a very entertaining (and informative) session. We had a varied selection box again to tuck into, and this time the contents were how to make chewing gum, how to poach an egg, how to tune a guitar and how to make the perfect espresso.

It was nice to see Alma, Sean and Luigi enjoying their presentations back on their memory sticks. Remember, this filming is optional and is personal to you, so there will be no You Tube videos, Facebook entries etc coming from me, but what you do with these works of art is entirely up to you!

So, we have three more talks to come on Thursday and that will be Christian, Gary and Aaron. All other students will now present on the last day of term, which is Tuesday 21st December. Hopefully Christie will deliver his presentation on Thursday as he missed out today.

Great stuff again, and I will see you all on Thursday, for the third set of oral presentations.

Stand free, Mark

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