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Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Feedback please

Hi everybody, now that you have all pretty much completed your first assessment for Communication IV, I'd like you to give me some feedback on the Communication class you have with me. We have covered lots of things so far, such as:
  • icebreakers
  • defining communication
  • analysis of a short film
  • evaluated a variety of local news articles
  • discussed plagiarism
  • an introduction to lots of interesting websites from Alma
  • analysed writing styles
  • worked in small groups
  • handed in some reflective writing
  • been given feedback
  • you have commented on your thoughts on the first (reading) assignment
  • visited the Scottish Poetry Library
  • about to further develop our reflective writing by putting together our class yearbook
  • completed (by and large) our first assessment (of 13!) on the 'Digital books are a threat to writers' article to name but a few!

After the well deserved October break I will be looking at oral presentation delivery.

I am keen to know what you are enjoying, what you are not, what you would like to see more of and how you think you are doing, that sort of thing. Please be honest and don't be afraid to be critical (as well as gushing in your positivity) for the feedback! I am really enjoying working with you, and hopefully my enthusiasm is coming through in my teaching!

Thanks, Mark


  1. I'll start us off then!

    At this moment in time I can't think of anything in particular that jumps out as needing to be changed. I think that the lessons are carried out in such a way that it is easy to follow what is going on and are enjoyable. I would personally put this down to the fairly large amount of group work that we do. Also, I think there is a nice balance between hard work and an easy going atmosphere.

  2. Okay, me next then...
    I really enjoy the classes and marvel at your enthousiasm, Mark! You manage to make classes fun and are especially good at keeping everybody on board.
    I think the course is quite managable so far. Though, like most of my class mates, I'm not looking forward to doing the oral presentations.
    The techniques we have learned so far for analysing and evaluating articles will no doubt be very useful for applying to essay writing and note taking. Just learning to put your thoughts into words in a way that makes sense to others is a great skill to learn.
    I am looking forward to the rest of the course!
    Hope you have a great time in NY!

  3. Mark Hetherington17 October 2010 at 05:50

    Great stuff Ellen. The next thing we are going to look at is oral presentation technique and I will have you presenting effectively in no time! Thank you for you words, they are reassuring! Mark

  4. As a Great Teacher you are well up there with Chairman Mao, I just hope your Great Leap Forward will not leave so many behind as Mao Zedong's.

    Games of words aside now...

    Your enthusiasm in class cannot be beaten, you must have an extra helping of that Special K in the morning and this attitude is really contagious, I like it.
    It seems to me we are progressing only at a fairly average speed, but then I look at the list what we did, it is a lot! This shows that the content is delivered smoothly and that is why I don't get the feeling of being overburdened.
    The way you make people feel that it is important to show up on time is unparalleled.
    Personally I wonder what there is still to come in this class, and since the content of Comm4 was quite nebulous to me in the beginning, what we did so far was a positive surprise and I hope what will come will be interesting and instructive as well.

  5. Lovely words, thank you. Yes, the punctuality angle is important so that I'm not stopping and starting. The class is performing well and at an acceptable pace. Prosit!

  6. Here Goes!
    Another communications teacher and another year, have to say though, at the risk of brown nosing, Mark is more engaging than my previous brace, which I think helps enormously. As for the course I reckon assessments done in the classroom environment are more consistent and thorough making for a better standard in my own outcome, apart from having a tutor who models himself on Mao and supports the Dons, whats not to like...

  7. Cheers Gary! Surely with the last four line-up you'll be hoping for a Dons win? Maybe not...On a serious note though, the class dynamic works very well and I'm looking forward to the unassessed talks on celebrity. Brief given out tomorrow. All the best, Mark.

  8. You make the class a happy enviroment to be in as you are always flexing the muscles near the both ends of your mouth{smiling}. Its good that we have discussions with each other on topics and listen to what one another has to say and give their point of view on the certain subject.With the 13 assessments i say BRING IT ON as i know me and my fellow comrades are ready for them.

  9. Mark Hetherington30 October 2010 at 00:26

    Brilliant stuff Sean. Indeed, the troops are up for the challenge and more than capable of producing the goods! Have a great weekend.

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