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Friday, 17 September 2010

Next few weeks schedule

Hi all, here is what I will doing with you over the next few sessions.

  • 21st Sep - analysis of 'The Flyer'
  • 23rd Sep - research skills (Alma from the library)
  • 28th and 30th September - unassessed reading exercise (using reading helpnotes)

NB - 5th and 7th October - FIRST READING ASSESSMENT.

  • 12th and 14th October - finishing off reading assessment / remediation as necessary.

Have a great Monday off and a lovely weekend and I will see you all, at 9am on Tuesday 21st.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark...

    thanks for posting all the links!

    Only, they all seem not to be working. It's mostly an issue with the address: the "http://" bit written double at the beginning of the address line...or a fusion of the blog's address with link's destination...

    just letting you know...

