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Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Overview of the unassessed talks

Well done to the thirteen students who delivered their unassessed talks last Thursday and today. They were fantastic and I hope you all learned something about your own delivery and the techniques of others. The subject matter was varied, from Jackson Pollock to Walt Disney and John McVicar to Bob Marley. And lets not forget the icons that are Sir Sean and erm, Godzilla! The talks were all researched well and I feel we all got a lot out of each talk. So a quick overview of the good and things to improve on then...

Room for improvement - time, completing the talk (something like 'thank you very much for listening, are there any questions'), taking the audience through the structure slide, not standing in front of the screen and having PowerPoint handouts.

The great - natural ability, being yourselves, time and effort put into the preparation of the talks, the variety of content, the use of visuals, the depth of knowledge, working with each other, involving the audience, being in control of the talks, upbeat delivery and many more facets besides.

I am in no doubt that the first assessed presentation on 'how to do something' will be interesting and straightforward for you all. Those who did not present for various reasons will now not get a chance to deliver a practice talk as I have a schedule I wish to follow to get us through assessments before Christmas.

I am very happy with the performances of the class, so a blooming big slap on the back all round guys!

PS - I am still awaiting a few Yearbook entries, so please do your best to get this done by Thursday if you can. Much appreciated.

All the best, Mark

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