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Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Assessment times for the second presentation (analysis)

Hi all,

Today we used the time for you to finalise your presentation topic and research on the subject that you have chosen. The  topics you have picked are wide ranging and interesting. Remember, this presentation counts as an integrated outcome for Communication IV and Oral Presentation Skills (Learning Outcomes 3 and 4 respectively).

Don't forget when you put your slides together to follow the structure we adopted for the first presentation:
  • Title slide (your name, topic, date of delivery)
  • Structure slide (what you will talk about)
  • Content slides (the amount is up to you, but remember you are speaking for 8-10 minutes this time)
  • Conclusion slide (recapping your talk with some bullet points)
  • Sources (VERY important for this talk)
  • Q and A session slide.
The delivery times for the talks are as follows. I have given a brief outline of what the presentation topics are for each student (although I may be wrong in some cases, so please keep me right next Monday in case I have made any errors)!

Remember, you only need to attend your presentation slot, but I would encourage you to attend as many sessions as you can to support your peers and enjoy the myriad of topics.

Monday 21st March (120) - Christian (alternative vote) and Michal (Basque country).

Tuesday 22nd March (409) - Luigi (racism), Jonathon (global warming), Alma, Dave (death penalty), Leigham.

Monday 28th March (120) - Sean (La Cosa Nostra) and Hanni (Tourism analysis between Scotland and Canada).

Tuesday 29th March (409) - Gavin (drugs) , Gary (drugs), Vesela (binge drinking), Aaron (Tsunami analysis), Christie (History option).

Monday 4th April (120) - Ania (implications of banning the burqa in France) and Ellen (stereotypes in advertising).

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