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Monday, 7 March 2011

Assessment brief / blogging discussion

Hi all,

We went over the brief for the next assessment - an 8-10 minute oral presentation. This has a different focus to the last talk you delivered (the 'how to do') in that you are asked to communicate information using statistics (where possible), objectivity and a wide range of sources. There are lots of different topics you can choose under four broad headings: health, social issues, environment and charities. You can also choose a topic from an area you have studied in History or Investigating Europe. If that wasn't enough choice, there is also the 'another topic not on the list to be agreed with me' option! If you were not in attendance today, I will bring the brief to the 4th floor tomorrow along with a copy of the slides I used today and Alma's (Head Librarian) PP information from October.

We also chose the presentation slots for you to deliver your talk and there are only a few times left I'm afraid.
I also enjoyed hearing about what you might deliver your talks on and the topics were varied and interesting.

We finished off the session with a discussion on blogging and that was fascinating. I learned a lot from our chat and this may form part of my paper for the Scotland's Colleges initiative that I made reference to.

See you all tomorrow on the 4th floor at 9.

All the best, Mark

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