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Sunday, 3 April 2011

Presentation II, round three!

Thank you to Jon, Vesela and Gavin who gave excellent presentations on Tuesday on global warming, binge drinking and drugs respectively. Well done everybody. Monday will see Anna, Ellen and Aaron deliver talks in the final session. Anybody who hasn't presented can do so on Tuesday.

I would like everybody (apart from Alma and Luigi who are in Berlin) in on Tuesday as we will be doing our final assessment for Oral Presentation Skills which is the second analysis of a talk (we looked at Jamie Oliver for the first one a while back). I also want to introduce the discussion assessment that we will be doing after the Easter break.

Please inform everybody that you need to be in on Tuesday. Originally I had planned that to be a remediation session but we can press on as the talks have been very good and I suspect all bar one will be delivered by then.

I will see some of you tomorrow.

All the best, Mark


  1. And well done to Sean and Hanni who successfully delivered their talks on Cosa Nostra and the Scottish / Canadian tourism industries respectively last Monday.

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