Hi all, for those who have finished their reading assessment, the session on Tuesday 12th October would be a great opportunity for you to start your yearbook. It shouldn't take you too long to put together and is to be a bit of fun. I ask that you e mail me your answers and a photo (more if you like) by
18th November. You can copy and paste the questions below to make things easier for you should you so wish. Cheers, Mark
Yearbook questions – Access to Languages
Please e mail me your answers and supply a favourite photo, or photos of you to
mhetherington@stevenson.ac.ukPlease use the template below – if there are any questions you’d rather not answer, just leave them out. I will be doing one too!
About me
Favourite singer(s):
Favourite band(s):
Favourite film(s):
Favourite television show(s):
Who I am
· This is a story about me, John Doe.
· Where you are from.
· Where you were born.
· Any interesting stories about your name, or what it means, i.e. Smith was a name given to blacksmiths in the Middle Ages, so therefore anyone with the name Smith would have likely had a blacksmith as an ancestor. The name John comes from the bible and some people say it means ‘gift from God’. There are quite a few places on the Net where you can find information about names!
· Describe your physical characteristics i.e. height, appearance, hair/eye colour.
· What do other people say about how you look?
· Describe your personality.
· What do other people say about your personality?
· Note down some information about your personal interests – do you play any sports? Do you have any hobbies?
· Favourite website(s)?
· Why did you come onto the course you are currently enrolled on?
What matters to me?
· What are your earliest memories?
· Who or what makes you laugh?
· What object would you save in a fire?
· Which song is the soundtrack to your life?
· If you could meet any famous person who would it be, and why?
· What is your perfect Sunday?
· Who would attend your fantasy dinner party & what would you eat?
· Who did you text last and what was the message?
· If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
If there is anything else you would like to add in about yourself, pop it in here. It could be some poetry that you have written, your philosophies on life, anything you like really!
I want you to have fun with this task. It will be a nice keepsake for you and to reflect upon in later life…maybe!